If something seems oddly familiar to about Ultionus and Phantis even to players who have never heard of the latter, it’s because outside of Spain Phantis was renamed and marketed as the sequel to a mediocre Dinamic shooter named Game Over. Unfortunately, said troll is a powerful and foppish warlord known as the Star Prince, meaning lots of resistance for Serena S as she attacks this hostile world. In Ultionus, however, A Petty Tale of Revenge is a suitable subtitle, as Serena’s attack is inspired not by loyalty or romance, but by an internet troll. Phantis‘s protagonist single handedly assaults a dangerous planet to exact revenge and rescue her captive boyfriend.

The game’s heroine, Serena S, is also inspired by Phantis‘s female heroine, but her motivations have changed. Bado has worked as a pixel artist for several years, most prominently with GameLoft and WayForward. It’s vibrant, with a good variety of detail and unique backgrounds, thanks to long time artist Andrew Bado. However, while still a short game, it’s significantly larger than Phantis‘s abbreviated adventure. Those who have played the original game will find the design of the main character along with many of the game’s enemies and scenarios to be very familiar. Ultionus: A Petty Tale of Revenge looks like a typical attempt at a retro platformer at a glance, but it actually began life as a direct remake of the old Spanish Dinamic computer game Phantis.